
Customized Professional Development
School leaders believe in growth and they believe in learning. But despite the inservice days schools dedicate multiple times each year, it is often difficult to achieve any meaningful change in teacher practice or student learning. Our customized PD starts with the end in mind. We work with you to craft specific measurable goals and then build ongoing, embedded training that inspires, guides, and enables teachers to change student learning outcomes while enhancing faculty culture and satisfaction.
Advancing Teaching and Learning
Great school leaders want to improve the learning in their classrooms, but they do not always know where to begin. We work with you to conduct an expedited review of curriculum and pedagogy, identify key areas for improvement, and craft a strategy to get there. We implement the plan together with you, engaging teachers and other school leaders in the process of improving your curriculum while enhancing classroom pedagogy.

Hebrew Reading Curriculum and Literacy Assessment
Our new Hebrew reading curriculum represents a significant step forward in applying the science of reading for second language Hebrew literacy instruction and assessment. Developed by a team of experts in pedagogy and Hebrew language, under the guidance of Dr. Goldberg, the curriculum has been through two years of pilot implementation. SGC is now accepting applications for pilot schools.
A set of measures to assess early Hebrew literacy and reading skills for students from K – 3rd grade, serving the field for 15 years to:
- Identify students who may be at risk for reading difficulties
- Help teachers identify areas to target instructional support
- Monitor progress of students
- Examine the effectiveness of instructional support